Learn how to get accurate projection mapping of 2D, 2.5D, 3D and 180/360 content on LED volumes!
Learn how to calibrate your virtual camera inside Live FX!
Did you know, that SCRATCH features multiple ways to remote control other SCRATCH systems?
Learn what NDI is, how to set it up and why it's absolutely great to enhance your workflow!
Join us for an online session about working on one of the most unusual films of the year!
Join us for an online session about the new Era of remote On-set Production!
Join us for an online session about the new Era of remote On-set Production!
Join us for an online session about Client attended Color Sessions via Live Streaming
In the first lesson, in our Learn Scratch Tutorial series, Kevin P McAuliffe walks you through what you need to know to get your first project set up and ready to go.
Learn how to create perfect h264 dailies for the COPRA Dailies System!
Learn how to create perfect h264 dailies for the PIX Dailies System!
Learn how to create Avid Dailies, including all source metadata!
Learn how to manage and copy grades in SCRATCH v9.1
Here is an overview about the main new features in SCRATCH 9.1 - Dailies, Grading, Finishing, Review.
Assimilate and Lowepost just released the SCRATCH Essentials Training course.
Watch the first lesson and get a free 3-month membership on Lowepost to watch the full course!
Watch the first lesson and get a free 3-month membership on Lowepost to watch the full course!
Assimilate and Lowepost just released the SCRATCH Essentials Training course.
Watch the first lesson and get a free 3-month membership on Lowepost to watch the full course!
Watch the first lesson and get a free 3-month membership on Lowepost to watch the full course!
Fred Beahm took the time to do a new quick video tutorial about stabilizing in SCRATCH.
It's always great to have users make their own tutorials for the community - check out this one done by Fred Beahm about Play Pro!
Learn how to add OFX plugins and Matchbox shaders to individual shots and complete timelines!
Fred Beahm showing rig removal on 6K equirectangular footage with SCRATCH VR!
Assimilate SCRATCH now supports Matchbox shaders - see this tutorial to learn how to install the shaders and create the most amazing grades and comps in SCRATCH!
Take a minute to learn all about the new SCRATCH Play Pro, the most responsive camera format player and transcoder this side of the moon!