Live Looks & Live Assist 9.3 released!
Assimilate Continues to Drive On-Set Tools with Major Update to Live Looks and Live Assist
New v9.3 Adds AJA and Blackmagic Router Support and NDI Output
to Video Assist and DIT Live Grading Software
January 12, 2021 – ASSIMILATE – San Jose, CA – Assimilate® today announced a major update of their Live Assist® and Live Looks® on-set software, which enables a first in highly efficient, streamlined on-set workflows at unprecedented price/performance value for video assist and DIT live grading functions. Also included is newly added support for AJA and Blackmagic routers, as well as integrated NDI® output among other highly anticipated features.
Live Assist ® 9.3 – Simplified Video Assist
The high-performance Live Assist streamlines the video-assist tasks in its all-in-one software solution with an extensive list of features. At $1995, Live Assist is the only video-assist software that includes all the key functions of record, playback, color grading, compositing, NDI output, as well as router support for AJA and Blackmagic. There are no software limitations and no resolution limits. Video Assist Operators are able to hook up as many cameras as their hardware can handle at any resolution. Annual and monthly subscription models are also available for this powerful one-stop video-assist solution, running on both Windows and macOS.

Included in Live Assist v9.3 are the following features:
- Camera-triggered multi-cam recording and instant replay
- Any number of cameras
- Any resolution
- Availability on Windows and macOS
- Color grading, including video scopes
- Compositing
- NDI output
- RTMP live streaming to YouTube, SetStream.io, and more
- Integrated webserver for wifi client review on-or-near set
- Support for AJA and Blackmagic video routers
- Support for Flanders, TV Logic and Teradek LUT boxes
For complete product details, see https://www.assimilateinc.com/products/liveassist/.
“Over the past nine months since the initial release of Live Assist®, we have received tremendous feedback from early adopters, and as always, we listened carefully to it,” said Mazze Aderhold, product marketing manager at Assimilate. “User input has helped immensely to shape the product to better suit their needs, simplifying and streamlining on-set bread-and-butter tasks for video assist in a highly affordable, feature-rich, easy-to-use new release of Live Assist.”
Live Looks® 9.3 – Advanced Live Grading
Assimilate continues its ongoing push for software solutions that enable efficient and streamlined workflows from on-set to post production. Live Looks is a subset of Live Assist, with the focus on live grading of multiple camera signals in real time. Its tight integration with Assimilate’s highly popular SCRATCH® software for dailies allows the user to quickly apply looks, metadata, and notes created in Live Looks to the camera footage, and forward it all to post. This can be either directly embedded into the dailies, or as a PDF or ALE report. With the recent 9.3 release, Assimilate has added the most anticipated features of AJA and Blackmagic router support, as well as NDI® output.

Features of the Live Looks 9.3 release include:
- Availability on Windows and macOS
- Support for AJA and Blackmagic video routers
- Support for Flanders, TV Logic and Teradek LUT boxes
- SDI metadata capture
- Any number of cameras
- Any resolution
- CDL and LUT-based color grading
- Green-screen compositing
- Skin enhancement toolset
- Texture effects (Grain, Diffusion, Glow, Vignette)
- NDI output
- Integrated webserver for wifi look review on-or-near set
- Single cam recording
For complete product details, see https://www.assimilateinc.com/products/livelooks .
“We continually strive to offer digital cinema professionals best-of-breed tools with superior price/performance value. Live Looks meets that standard in providing users with an easy to set-up live-grading solution that has the best connection into dailies and post via SCRATCH,” said Jeff Edson, CEO at Assimilate. “As metadata has become incredibly important in nowadays workflows, our early focus on capturing as much metadata as possible, at any stage of the shoot, has become a significant advantage to our users.”
Pricing and Availability
Available immediately on macOS and Windows, Assimilate’s Live Assist 9.3 is available at $1995 for a permanent license, $1495.00 (USD) per year, or $325.00 (USD) monthly. Live Looks 9.3 is available at $995 for a permanent license, $595.00 (USD) per year, or $89.00 (USD) monthly.
Download at www.assimilateinc.com.
About Assimilate
Assimilate develops and offers advanced tools for on-set and post-production workflows that deliver groundbreaking speed, performance, and flexibility for industry professionals. Live Assist is the multi-cam VTR tool for video assist, offering support for any number of cameras, any resolution, with easy green-screen comp and local clip server functionality. Live Looks is the optimum tool for live grading and direct-look creation with an instant connection to Scratch, live streaming, and keying capabilities. Used by DITs and post artists worldwide, Scratch is known for its advanced post-production tools that offer stability, speed and metadata support for any camera format available, including 2D/3D/VR. Play Pro is the go-to solution as a professional player for VFX-reviews, ProRes RAW QC and genuine ProRes transcoding on Windows.
NDI is a trademark of Newtek Inc.
Live Looks is a trademark of Assimilate Inc.
Live Assist is a trademark of Assimilate Inc.
Assimilate Contact
Aggie Frizzell
VP Communications
+1 425-503-3036